Tracking key developments in the UK’s smart cities

Quarterly Innovation Briefs on Key Trends, Issues and Developments

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What are UK cities doing, thinking and concerned about in relation to urban innovation?

Urban Foresight was commissioned by the Future Cities Catapult to generate a series of quarterly research reports on the key developments in the UK related to smart cities and the advanced urban services sector.

This established the first regular, coordinated view of such trends, issues and emerging opportunities. The Catapult recognised that knowing what UK cities are doing, thinking and concerned about in relation to urban innovation is vital to informing its opportunity development, expert analysis and stakeholder engagement activities.

This content draws on a mixture of desk research, scanning of published materials and stakeholder interviews. It also benefits from Urban Foresight’s wide network of contacts across the UK and regular attendance at events and conferences where learnings from smart city initiatives are shared and analysed.

The first Innovation Brief was released in Autumn 2017.

What We Delivered

Practical insights and evidence to support decision-making, policy development and the case for investments

Tracking trends, spotting significant developments and understanding why they are important

Professional engagement with relevant stakeholders and experts to uncover key insights and identify shared priorities

We write award winning reports that are concise, logical and engaging

Defining the key features, structure, criteria for success, and major deliverables of a new project or programme

Sector Expertise

We are globally recognised experts in the opportunities for cities to embrace technology and new ways of working to create positive social, economic and environmental outcomes

Understanding the implications of public policy and developing recommendations to support policy and legislative change

Advice on how new technology and services can create healthier and happier communities

How new technologies and business models are transforming the way people and goods are transported to create better connected, healthier and more sustainable cities

We understand the connections between systems and how technology can facilitate more efficient and effective urban infrastructure and services

Understanding and avoiding the negative impacts of businesses, cities and communities on the environment

Advising on the commercial and disruptive potential of new technologies